The Collection

The Collection

Germany & Related Areas, 1872 – 1945

Third Reich

1941 Hitler Head Definitives

The 1941 Hitler Head Definitives issues were available in two major types of booklets, or Markenheftchen (MH), beginning in December 1941 (MH 48 & MH 49).

MiNr. MH 48 contains the following panes, or Heftchenblättern (H-Bl.), in order:

  • One H-Bl. 117 consisting of MiNr. 781 (x4), MiNr. 784 (x4)
  • One H-Bl. 118 consisting of MiNr. 782 (x6), MiNr. 785 (x2)
  • One H-Bl. 119 consisting of MiNr. 783 (x4), MiNr. 786 (x2), and text fields (x2)
  • One H-Bl. 120 consisting of MiNr. 785 (x7) and text field (x1)
  • One H-Bl. 122 consisting of MiNr. 788 (x6) and text fields (x2)
The only difference between MH 48 and MH 49 is fourth pane — MH 48 contains H-Bl. 120, while MH 49 contains H-Bl. 121. H-Bl.120 and H-Bl. 121 differ only in the text included in the text field.

All panes are of the B variety (perforation between rows does not extend through margin). The panes are separated by blank interleaves. Numerous sub-varieties of the panes exist, depending on location of printers marks in the pane margins.

Three major variations of the booklet were printed (MH 48.1 through MH 48.3). They differ solely in the design of the advertisement on the inside of the front cover:

  • 48.1 — Van Dyke Radiergummi Eberhard Faber

  • 48.2 — Van Dyke Zeichenstift Eberhard Faber
  • 48.3 — Van Dyke Kopierstift Eberhard Faber

The booklet panes can also be found in the uncut booklet pane sheets, or Markenheftchenbogen (MHB).

Set Date(s)

December 1941



Album Page(s)

1941 Hitler Head Definitives

The 1941 Hitler Head Definitives issues were available in two major types of booklets, or Markenheftchen (MH), beginning in December 1941 (MH 48 & MH 49).

MiNr. MH 48 contains the following panes, or Heftchenblättern (H-Bl.), in order:

  • One H-Bl. 117 consisting of MiNr. 781 (x4), MiNr. 784 (x4)
  • One H-Bl. 118 consisting of MiNr. 782 (x6), MiNr. 785 (x2)
  • One H-Bl. 119 consisting of MiNr. 783 (x4), MiNr. 786 (x2), and text fields (x2)
  • One H-Bl. 120 consisting of MiNr. 785 (x7) and text field (x1)
  • One H-Bl. 122 consisting of MiNr. 788 (x6) and text fields (x2)
The only difference between MH 48 and MH 49 is fourth pane — MH 48 contains H-Bl. 120, while MH 49 contains H-Bl. 121. H-Bl.120 and H-Bl. 121 differ only in the text included in the text field.

All panes are of the B variety (perforation between rows does not extend through margin). The panes are separated by blank interleaves. Numerous sub-varieties of the panes exist, depending on location of printers marks in the pane margins.

Three major variations of the booklet were printed (MH 48.1 through MH 48.3). They differ solely in the design of the advertisement on the inside of the front cover:

  • 48.1 — Van Dyke Radiergummi Eberhard Faber

  • 48.2 — Van Dyke Zeichenstift Eberhard Faber
  • 48.3 — Van Dyke Kopierstift Eberhard Faber

The booklet panes can also be found in the uncut booklet pane sheets, or Markenheftchenbogen (MHB).

Set Date(s)

December 1941



Album Page(s)