1934 Switzerland Flights
On-Board Cancel
Mail from this first flight bears a Zurich airport arrival cancel.
Arrival Cancel
Following its return form the first 10 July 1934 round-trip, the Graf Zeppelin made another round trip on the evening of 10 July, a round trip on 11 July, and two round-trips on 12 July. Mail on these final four flights can only be found with on-board cancels.
All mail carried should also bear a green confirmation stamp.
Confirmation Stamp
Set Date(s)
Album Page(s)
1934 Switzerland Flights
On-Board Cancel
Mail from this first flight bears a Zurich airport arrival cancel.
Arrival Cancel
Following its return form the first 10 July 1934 round-trip, the Graf Zeppelin made another round trip on the evening of 10 July, a round trip on 11 July, and two round-trips on 12 July. Mail on these final four flights can only be found with on-board cancels.
All mail carried should also bear a green confirmation stamp.
Confirmation Stamp