The Collection

Germany & Related Areas, 1872 – 1945

The Collection


PMGS Reveal

Apply filters to a stamp scan to reveal hard-to-see details

PMGS Reveal is an app that allows you to perform basic color manipulations on a stamp scan to reveal hard-to-see details, then save the resulting image.

Full package (bundled with Java Runtime Environment, JRE, which is required for the app to run)

  • 1.03 (49MB exe file)

Light package (no JRE bundled with the app — for use only if you already have JRE installed)

Full package (bundled with Java Runtime Environment, JRE, which is required for the app to run)

  • 1.03 (47MB dmg file)

Light package (no JRE bundled with the app — for use only if you already have JRE installed)