1910 Ponape Provisional Cash Payment Frankings

S.M.S. Scharnhorst, Armored Cruiser

S.M.S. Leipzig, Light Cruiser

S.M.S. Nürnberg, Light Cruiser
During that short period, Ponape’s supply of 5- and 10-Pfennig stamps was exhausted.
To fill the void, the Ponape postal administrator used a variety of provisionals, including unaltered German Germania issues, cash payment frankings, Karolinen 3 Pfennig Yacht Issues surcharged “5 Pf.” (MiNr. 7 Pv), and Karolinen 20-pfennig Yachts bisected vertically (MiNr. 10 H).
Handwritten notations of cash payment (in German, Barfrankierung) were used on 13 & 31 July 1910.
The 13 July 1910 franking states “Porto u. 5 Pf. [or 10 Pf.] bez. in Ermangelung von Freimarken 13.7. Hollborn” (Postage of 5 Pf. [or 10 Pf.] paid in the absence of postage stamps 13 July Hollborn), and is canceled with the Ponape canceler.
The 31 July 1910 franking typically states “5 Pf. bez.” (5 Pf. paid), occasionally with some variation or with Hollborn’s signature, and is canceled with the Ponape canceler.
1910 Ponape Provisional Cash Payment Frankings

S.M.S. Scharnhorst, Armored Cruiser

S.M.S. Leipzig, Light Cruiser

S.M.S. Nürnberg, Light Cruiser
During that short period, Ponape’s supply of 5- and 10-Pfennig stamps was exhausted.
To fill the void, the Ponape postal administrator used a variety of provisionals, including unaltered German Germania issues, cash payment frankings, Karolinen 3 Pfennig Yacht Issues surcharged “5 Pf.” (MiNr. 7 Pv), and Karolinen 20-pfennig Yachts bisected vertically (MiNr. 10 H).
Handwritten notations of cash payment (in German, Barfrankierung) were used on 13 & 31 July 1910.
The 13 July 1910 franking states “Porto u. 5 Pf. [or 10 Pf.] bez. in Ermangelung von Freimarken 13.7. Hollborn” (Postage of 5 Pf. [or 10 Pf.] paid in the absence of postage stamps 13 July Hollborn), and is canceled with the Ponape canceler.
The 31 July 1910 franking typically states “5 Pf. bez.” (5 Pf. paid), occasionally with some variation or with Hollborn’s signature, and is canceled with the Ponape canceler.