Ship Post
Hamburg-Mexico Line
In 1906, the Hamburg-Amerika steamship company initiated the Hamburg-Mexico Linie.
In the early years of the line, steamers operating on the Hamburg-Mexico Linie used a series of cancels containing the name of the line and Roman numeral at the bottom.
The "VII." cancel shown above was used from 1907-1914 on the steamer Fürst Bismarck.

Set Date(s)
c. 1903 - 1939
Album Page(s)
Hamburg-Mexico Line
In 1906, the Hamburg-Amerika steamship company initiated the Hamburg-Mexico Linie.
In the early years of the line, steamers operating on the Hamburg-Mexico Linie used a series of cancels containing the name of the line and Roman numeral at the bottom.
The "VII." cancel shown above was used from 1907-1914 on the steamer Fürst Bismarck.