The Collection

The Collection

Germany & Related Areas, 1872 – 1945

Third Reich

1936 Modern Buildings

In 1936, the Third Reich released the Modern Buildings issues in booklet form, or Markenheftchen (MH). The booklets (MH 43) consist of the following panes, or Heftchenblättern (H-Bl.):

  • One H-Bl. 107 consisting of MiNr. 636 (x5) and MiNr. 637 (x5)
  • One H-Bl. 108 consisting of MiNr. 634 (x4), MiNr. 639 (x5), and text field (x1)
The panes are separated by a blank interleave.

The booklets and panes have numerous varieties, depending on the length of the staple and the placement of printing marks within the pane margins.

The booklet panes can also be found in the uncut booklet pane sheets, or Markenheftchenbogen (MHB).

Set Date(s)

2 November 1936



Album Page(s)

1936 Modern Buildings

In 1936, the Third Reich released the Modern Buildings issues in booklet form, or Markenheftchen (MH). The booklets (MH 43) consist of the following panes, or Heftchenblättern (H-Bl.):

  • One H-Bl. 107 consisting of MiNr. 636 (x5) and MiNr. 637 (x5)
  • One H-Bl. 108 consisting of MiNr. 634 (x4), MiNr. 639 (x5), and text field (x1)
The panes are separated by a blank interleave.

The booklets and panes have numerous varieties, depending on the length of the staple and the placement of printing marks within the pane margins.

The booklet panes can also be found in the uncut booklet pane sheets, or Markenheftchenbogen (MHB).

Set Date(s)

2 November 1936



Album Page(s)