Red Cross
On 4 October 1942, the NDH issued this series to support the Red Cross.
The stamps were printed in 5×5 sheets. containing 24 stamps and one label.
Numerous plates flaw exist, including the following:

MiNr. 89 I Plate Flaw — Broken “H”

MiNr. 90 I Plate Flaw — Mark in center of chest
Also shown is an FDC containing the entire set and Red Cross compulsory surtax stamp MiNr. 1.
Set Date(s)
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Red Cross
On 4 October 1942, the NDH issued this series to support the Red Cross.
The stamps were printed in 5×5 sheets. containing 24 stamps and one label.
Numerous plates flaw exist, including the following:

MiNr. 89 I Plate Flaw — Broken “H”

MiNr. 90 I Plate Flaw — Mark in center of chest
Also shown is an FDC containing the entire set and Red Cross compulsory surtax stamp MiNr. 1.