Summer Olympics Blocks
These sheets are the earlier 1936 Summer Olympics issues sold as blocks/souvenir sheets. Initial issue date was 1 August 1936.
Purchase price of the blocks was 1.20 M.
Those with “X” suffixes feature a normal swastika watermark — when viewed from the rear, the legs of the swastika point in a counterclockwise direction. The “Y” suffixes feature the rarer reversed swastika watermark, with the legs of the swastika pointed in a clockwise direction when viewed from the rear.
Copies also exist on thicker paper (approximately 0.19 mm thick).
Summer Olympics Blocks
These sheets are the earlier 1936 Summer Olympics issues sold as blocks/souvenir sheets. Initial issue date was 1 August 1936.
Purchase price of the blocks was 1.20 M.
Those with “X” suffixes feature a normal swastika watermark — when viewed from the rear, the legs of the swastika point in a counterclockwise direction. The “Y” suffixes feature the rarer reversed swastika watermark, with the legs of the swastika pointed in a clockwise direction when viewed from the rear.
Copies also exist on thicker paper (approximately 0.19 mm thick).