The Collection

The Collection

Germany & Related Areas, 1872 – 1945

Third Reich Cinderellas

Königsberg Flak Unit

These cinderellas were issued in June 1944 by a flak unit, Stab gemischte Flak-Abteilung 645 (v) [Headquarters staff of mixed Flak unit 645 (v)], near Königsberg on the northern part of the Eastern Front, at Feldpost number L34622.

Catalog numbers are those found in Michel’s Handbuch-Katalog Deutsche Feldpost, 1937-1945, Third Edition (1991). These items are no longer cataloged in current versions of the same.

Set Date(s)

June 1944



Album Page(s)

Königsberg Flak Unit

These cinderellas were issued in June 1944 by a flak unit, Stab gemischte Flak-Abteilung 645 (v) [Headquarters staff of mixed Flak unit 645 (v)], near Königsberg on the northern part of the Eastern Front, at Feldpost number L34622.

Catalog numbers are those found in Michel’s Handbuch-Katalog Deutsche Feldpost, 1937-1945, Third Edition (1991). These items are no longer cataloged in current versions of the same.

Set Date(s)

June 1944



Album Page(s)