1930 Baltic Sea Flight
From 23-25 September 1930, the Graf Zeppelin (LZ-127) completed a trip around the Baltic Sea. The flight departed Friedrichshafen on 23 September 1930, then stopped at Berlin, Riga, Tallinn, Helsinki, and Stockholm, before finishing the flight with a second landing in Berlin.
Mail carried on board typically has one of three cancels — Friedrichshafen, Berlin, or on-board.

On-Board Cancel
All mail carried on the flight received a green confirmation stamp.

Confirmation Stamp
Set Date(s)
Album Page(s)
1930 Baltic Sea Flight
From 23-25 September 1930, the Graf Zeppelin (LZ-127) completed a trip around the Baltic Sea. The flight departed Friedrichshafen on 23 September 1930, then stopped at Berlin, Riga, Tallinn, Helsinki, and Stockholm, before finishing the flight with a second landing in Berlin.
Mail carried on board typically has one of three cancels — Friedrichshafen, Berlin, or on-board.

On-Board Cancel
All mail carried on the flight received a green confirmation stamp.

Confirmation Stamp