The Collection

The Collection

Germany & Related Areas, 1872 – 1945

Zeppelin Post

1933 7th South America Flight

On 16 September 1933, the Graf Zeppelin (LZ-127) departed Friedrichshafen on its seventh Südamerikafahrt (South America Flight) of 1933.

It arrived in Recife, Brazil, on 19 September 1933, then proceeded to Rio de Janeiro, arriving on 21 September 1933. The same day, it began its return flight to Friedrichshafen via Recife and Seville, Spain.

All mail carried a blue confirmation stamp commemorating the flight.

Confirmation Stamp

Mail from Germany generally had either a Friedrichshafen, Berlin, or on-board cancel.

Berlin Cancel

Mail postmarked in Berlin also carried a red confirmation stamp for the flight.

Berlin Confirmation Stamp

Set Date(s)

16-26 September 1933

Album Page(s)

1933 7th South America Flight

On 16 September 1933, the Graf Zeppelin (LZ-127) departed Friedrichshafen on its seventh Südamerikafahrt (South America Flight) of 1933.

It arrived in Recife, Brazil, on 19 September 1933, then proceeded to Rio de Janeiro, arriving on 21 September 1933. The same day, it began its return flight to Friedrichshafen via Recife and Seville, Spain.

All mail carried a blue confirmation stamp commemorating the flight.

Confirmation Stamp

Mail from Germany generally had either a Friedrichshafen, Berlin, or on-board cancel.

Berlin Cancel

Mail postmarked in Berlin also carried a red confirmation stamp for the flight.

Berlin Confirmation Stamp

Set Date(s)

16-26 September 1933

Album Page(s)