1936 1st South America Flight
From 31 March-10 April 1936, the Hindenburg (LZ-129) made its first flight from Germany to South America and back.
Mail from Germany is typically postmarked with cancels from either Friedrichshafen, on-board, or one of the many treaty states.

On-Board Cancel
Mail carried on this trip carries a red confirmation stamp like that previously used by the Graf Zeppelin for South American flights. The confirmation stamps each carried a letter indicating where it was used:
- a — Berlin
- b & c — Friedrichshafen
- d — on-board or from Stuttgart connecting flight
- * — Stuttgart

On-Board Confirmation Stamp
The cover shown above bears an airmail arrival cancel from the Brazilian Federal District.

Arrival Cancel
Set Date(s)
Album Page(s)
1936 1st South America Flight
From 31 March-10 April 1936, the Hindenburg (LZ-129) made its first flight from Germany to South America and back.
Mail from Germany is typically postmarked with cancels from either Friedrichshafen, on-board, or one of the many treaty states.

On-Board Cancel
- a — Berlin
- b & c — Friedrichshafen
- d — on-board or from Stuttgart connecting flight
- * — Stuttgart

On-Board Confirmation Stamp
The cover shown above bears an airmail arrival cancel from the Brazilian Federal District.

Arrival Cancel